I understand that I will be testing three (3) times a day every day of the week in replacement for BEING IN JAIL
I will test in order and between the scheduled testing windows. Any missed/late tests must be discussed with your Probation Officer or monitoring authority.
If a result comes back positive for any reason, I will submit the secondary retests every 15 minutes until the session disappears. (This will give me more data to show the BAC levels dropping)
I will submit my sessions before using toothpaste, mouth wash, cough medicine, or anything that may contain alcohol in its ingredients to avoid false positives.
I understand that the services My SoberSense provides are dependent on a working and compatible mobile device. It is my responsibility to keep and maintain such device. I understand that I can use the SoberSense application on any compatible device.
I understand it is my responsibility to keep the device always charged and in my possession. I will avoid any situation where the device can be damaged or contaminated. (heat, water, cleaning products, perfume/colognes, paint/fumes, in any work/life situations)
I understand that any effort to tamper with, distort, cover, or obstruct view from camera will be reported to probation officer and or the courts. This includes not wearing sunglasses, mask or anything that may hinder my appearance.
I will conduct test in a well-lit area and look directly into the camera until test is complete and that the SoberSense sticker is visible when testing.
I understand that I will be charged $150 dollars if My SoberSense must appear in court for my case. (missed tests/positive tests/non-payment)
Any damaged or lost device, I will contact My SoberSense immediately to purchase a new device and pay any expedited shipping costs.
I understand My SoberSense is the testing agency and can only report my results. My SoberSense will not accept or save any excuses for a late or missed test for any reason. This includes daily any positive, missed or late tests, monthly/weekly reports to my Probation Officer/monitor.
I understand that my profile will be reported to my Probation Officer/Monitor for non-compliance (incorrect testing/non-payment (STRONG CHANCE OF GOING TO JAIL).
It is my responsibility to notify My SoberSense when my Probation Officer/monitor changes.
I understand that my assigned officer and I will receive a 3-day deactivation notice for non-payment before getting disabled.
I acknowledge the receipt of received information about instructions, troubleshooting, non-compliance, and all violations
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